sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Audio y texto que GaGa pronuncia en el desfile de Mugler

Sometimes/My heart sometimes feels so black/In the dunes of sand/And other days my heart feels like/Rainbows/Mugler (Mugler, Amen)/Jesus is the new black/I am Mugler woman/I am quiet/I am strong (Amen) Planet Mugler/Mugler/GaGa/I am Mugler woman/Don't f**k with me/Don't f**k with Mugler/Don't fff/Don't fuck with Mugler woman/Nicola/Say a prayer/Paris/I am Paris/We are Paris/Do not anger Mugler woman/She will eat you/Planet/Mugler/I will eat you/I will eat you/Mugler (Mugler, Amen)/Jesus is the new black/I am Mugler woman/I am quiet/I am strong (Amen )Welcome to Paris/It's fashion week/We are Paris/Don't fuck with Mugler.